April 17, 2020
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COVID-19: Know Your Rights Training for Law Students

Watch this recorded presentation delivered by Associate Alex Berke to the Fordham Workers’ Rights Advocates on April 16, 2020.  Alex discussed frequently asked legal questions about COVID-19 and workers’ rights, aimed at current law students.

Hazard Pay for Essential Workers?

April 14, 2020
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Currently only some federal employees are legally entitled to hazard pay, but there are some proposals in Congress to change that.

No One Should Work in an Unsafe Workplace

April 13, 2020
Tradition is a hard thing to break, and in some industries, it is proving especially difficult during the coronavirus lockdown that is affecting most of the world. Even “Essential Businesses” in New York, which are allowed to remain open, should be utilizing remote work to the extent possible, and all businesses should be following safety precautions. If you feel unsafe at work, get in touch with us to understand your rights and options.

CLE on COVID-19: Legal Issues and Government Resources Employers Should Know

April 8, 2020
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Here is a video of the CLE provided by Associate Alex Berke through the Dutchess County and Westchester County Bar Associations on April 1, 2020. It contains information on New York State Paid Family Leave, the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act expansion, and general information for employers on how to think through questions about their employees.

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Knowing where to turn in legal matters can make a big difference. Contact our employment lawyers to determine if we can help you.