October 15, 2024

Principal Laurie Berke-Weiss recently spoke on a panel at Fordham Fashion Law Institute’s 14th Annual Symposium

Principal Laurie Berke-Weiss recently spoke on a panel during the Fordham Law School Fashion Law Institute’s 14th Annual Symposium. This all day program focused on the shape of things to come in fashion law, covering topics such as antitrust issues, intellectual property challenges, a legislative and regulatory update, and politics and fashion. Ms. Berke-Weiss, along with Christina Asbee, Disability Rights New York; Beth Haroules, New York Civil Liberties Union; and, Norman Siegel, Siegel Teitelbaum & Evans, spoke on “Statement Pieces: Dress Codes, Mask Laws, and Freedom of Speech”, a discussion moderated by Jeff Trexler of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.  In a lively discussion Ms. Berke-Weiss addressed the impact of dress codes and mask laws on the workplace, and how employers and employees can navigate these hot-button issues.

Commuting & NYS Workers’ Compensation: What Employers & Employees Need to Know

August 26, 2020
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Employers and employees who have questions about parental leave should talk to an experienced labor and employment law attorney. Learn how we can help.

Telecommuting & NYS Workers’ Compensation: What Employers & Employees Need to Know

August 25, 2020
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New social distancing norms and efforts to limit the number of people in workplaces as a result of COVID-19 has resulted in a major increase of employees working from home. How does NYS workers’ compensation cover telecommuters?

Pods: What Are They and Are They Right for Me and My Family?

August 25, 2020
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We first started hearing the term “pod” a couple weeks after lockdown began. Initially, it was something to describe a collection of immediate family or friends with whom we could safely interact. At the same time, people started using the term to refer to extended child care units. Parents began banding together to pool child care resources when daycare facilities closed, schools shut down, and the domestic care industry was no longer an option.

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