September 7, 2023
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Department of Labor Proposes Changes to Automatic Overtime Eligibility

At the federal level, overtime for salaried employees has been limited to those making up to $35,500 per year. But in August, the Department of Labor under acting Secretary Julie Su has proposed a change to that cutoff, calling for an increase to salaries up to $55,000 per year. The potential rule change could affect over 3.5 million working Americans. 

Automatic eligibility for time-and-a-half has been a focus of US administrations for nearly a decade. The Obama administration proposed a sizable increase only for a federal judge to strike down the change, stating that the DoL did not have the authority to make such a substantial increase in the cutoff, which had been at $23,500. During the Trump administration, the DoL was able to increase the amount to its current $35,500 limit.

One compelling reason for the DoL to pursue this is that many employers avoid overtime obligations by misclassifying workers as managers or illegally prevent employees from accessing automatic overtime by setting worker salaries just north of the current limit. 

The Department of Labor estimates that the rule change will see a transfer of more than $1 billion from employers to workers in its first year. Several large industries, including hospitality and retail have begun fighting back against the proposal, threatening to hire or reclassify existing workers as part-timers to avoid paying overtime.

While this will not affect New York State labor law, where the automatic eligibility is already roughly in line with the DoL’s proposed changes, it is interesting to see another instance of the Biden administration's quest to bend labor law back toward the benefit of workers.

Is Unemployment Keeping People from Returning to Work?

September 23, 2020
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Wen Congress passed the CARES Act back in March, which included a temporary boost in unemployment benefits for people affected by the pandemic, there was bound to be controversy. But new research is showing that unemployment benefits and enhanced jobless security is not the deterrent employers believe it to be. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest as such, and now, according to the New York Times, there is data driven evidence to back this up.

DOL Revises FFCRA after Southern District Invalidates Four Sections

September 18, 2020
Paid Family Leave
The Department of Labor revisions to FFCRA, which went into effect on September 16, 2020, have been widely anticipated and it is hoped that they will reduce some of the issues surrounding paid leave and employees qualification for taking protected leaves.

Employees Push Back at Tech Companies for Giving Parents too Much

September 11, 2020
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It might seem like vanilla stuff for some of the world’s almost capitalized companies in the world to provide extra support to employees during a global pandemic, but not so at companies like Facebook and Twitter, where a rift has formed between parents, non-parents and employers over the companies’ policy responses to daycare and school closures.

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