May 24, 2022
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New Report Adds Further Evidence We Need Universal Child Care

A recent report produced by McKinsey and the campaign dubbed Marshall Plan For Moms added more evidence that a lack of affordable, universal childcare is adversely affecting productivity and labor force participation in the United States.

The results of the survey, which polled 1,000 workers, showed that an overwhelming majority (69%) of women looking for work could be swayed to work for a company that offered childcare benefits. The founder of the Marshall Plan for Moms argued that such benefits would not only attract workers, but help retain them and boost worker satisfaction.

What was already an overly expensive and scarce option before the pandemic became virtually inaccessible to all but the most advantaged workers, and many parents, especially mothers, left the workforce to take on greater childcare duties. This was well-known when President Biden reached office, yet the administration’s “Build Back Better” carved out most all provisions designed for working parents.

Now the Marshall Plan for Moms, a bit of a misnomer as the Marshall Plan was a federal initiative, is hoping to convince corporate America to embrace the idea that providing childcare to workers will be good for both businesses and workers. The plan calls for big businesses to make pledges to provide childcare for workers. 

Unfortunately, with the federal government unwilling to step in and mandate programs like family and medical leave and universal pre-K, we’re left only hoping corporations can pick up the slack.

Early Discrimination Lawsuits Under Families First Act Highlight Potential New Front in Employment Discrimination

May 15, 2020
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The Families First Act stipulates that employers must give employee-parents whose children’s day care facilities or schools closed in response to coronavirus paid leave if they cannot work remotely. Lawsuits are already being filed relating to violations of this Act, and family responsibilities discrimination will be a growing field in the coming months.

Unemployment Insurance Appeal Board to Reopen Starting May 18

May 14, 2020
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The NYS Unemployment Appeals Board is re-opening as of May 18. This is a welcome return of due process for the many people who have been denied UI who want to contest those denials and receive unemployment funds.

New Research Demonstrates Women of Color Hardest Hit by Pandemic’s Economic Catastrophe

May 14, 2020
Gender Discrimination
Race Discrimination
Just as the coronavirus itself has not affected the general population proportionally, its economic consequences haven't either.

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