April 27, 2022
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Work from Home Expenses Lead to Lawsuits


Since the pandemic an increasing chunk of office jobs have been done from the kitchen table, home office, or anywhere a worker can find the space, and the trend seems to be sticking. One unexpected result of this transition to remote work has been the hidden costs of doing an office job from home. According to a recent LA Times story, remote workers across the country have resorted to lawsuits to recoup out of pocket expenses that have started to pile up.

The burdens of heating, internet, and phone bills, as well as all manner of office supplies once taken as a given when going into work every day are now being shouldered by workers. In some cases these expenses have really added up, with some lawsuits claiming workers have spent thousands of dollars out of pocket. 

No where has this crunch been more keenly felt than in tech, where it was industry de rigeur to offer all sorts of perks, like free meals and dry cleaning services, to lure top talent. Tech was a major adopter of the work from home trend during the pandemic and many of the workers saw these perks dry up as they were sent home from the office.

While this might sound a bit precious, many tech workers live in the most expensive areas in the country, and these perks were seen as a necessity to get by in San Francisco, Seattle or New York.

Ultimately, many of the suits argue that these bills should not be footed by the employees but the employers who are already saving boatloads of money by furloughing workers and saving on rents and expenses by passing them along to workers.

NY State Division on Human Rights Alleges Pregnancy-related Discrimination at Amazon

June 6, 2022
Pregnancy Discrimination
Disability Discrimination
The report suggests that Amazon consultants have identified reasonable accommodations that would allow workers with disabilities to continue performing their functions without undue burden. However, despite this knowledge, company officials continue to pursue a policy of forced unpaid leave rather than internally-identified accommodations.

New Report Adds Further Evidence We Need Universal Child Care

May 24, 2022
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The results of the survey, which polled 1,000 workers, showed that an overwhelming majority (69%) of women looking for work could be swayed to work for a company that offered childcare benefits.

New Studies Indicate Women Have Mostly Kept Working During Pandemic

May 17, 2022
Gender Discrimination
Although more women were laid off at the beginning of the pandemic, and many more who were parents saw a significant uptick in their non-work commitments, two new analyses indicate that, despite concerns to the contrary, most women have remained at work and, for some cohorts, have become more likely to work.

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