April 1, 2022
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Confirmation Hearings Descend into Farce as Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson Remains Steadfast


With an unimpeachable public record, Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Senate confirmation hearings, predictably, veered into farce as Senate Republicans grandstanded for cable news, trotting out various electoral bogeymen, especially Critical Race Theory, and tried to smear Jackson by association.

As Elie Mystal and others have written about, there was one moment, when Ted Cruz, a classmate of Jackson’s at Harvard Law School, tried to provoke her into torpedoing her nomination, that exemplified the tremendous calculation faced by “nearly every Black person and ancestor” as to whether or not to throw everything away to confront white provocations. 

When Cruz asked if Jackson believed that babies were racist, she could have taken the bait, but her long pause before simply answering the question was all she needed to muster to demonstrate how ridiculous the shadow attacks on her were.

For Mystal, Jackson’s pause highlights the indignities that Blacks face in the workplace and his ruminations are recommended reading.

As President, Joe Biden Can Protect Workers

November 19, 2020
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In a new blog post at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, professors David Michaels and Gregory Wagner lay out an 11-point overview of a longer policy paper that they believe president-elect Joe Biden can enact on day one in office to protect workers

Historic Victory for Paid Family Leave in Colorado

November 12, 2020
Paid Family Leave
While much of the post-election attention has been focused on the presidential race, there has been little said about what looks to be a historic victory for working Coloradans, who have chosen to join eight other states, including New York, and Washington D.C. in providing paid family leave for new parents as well as those dealing with a family emergency. This is the first paid family leave law to be won through a ballot initiative, rather than implemented by elected officials.

Pandemic Continues to Affect Women, Even the Really Successful Ones

November 10, 2020
Gender Discrimination
This reduction in childcare due to COVID is affecting mothers of all income brackets, and as NPR reports, the most successful women, even, are feeling the effects. Mothers remain the parent more likely to shore the care gap created by school closures and are more likely to step back from their careers to do so.

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