January 28, 2022
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Sarah Palin dined indoors while unvaccinated— but what will the City do to the restaurant?


That Sarah Palin dined at an Upper East Side restaurant while not only unvaccinated, but in fact infected with COVID-19, is par for the course for the former governor who said, “It’ll be over my dead body that I’ll have to get a shot.” The focus has been centered on her bizarre and abhorrent choice to expose those around her to the disease, but it bears examining the potential steps the City might take against the restaurant’s owners, who allowed her to dine inside.

As the New York Times and other outlets have reported, a manager at Elio’s stated that that the restaurant had “just made a mistake” by allowing an unvaccinated person to dine indoors. While Palin seems to have walked away from the debacle suffering no more than punchlines, what might that mistake cost the restaurant?

To dine inside in New York City, one must show proof of vaccination, and failure to comply with this mandate can result in a $1,000 fine. A spokesperson for City Hall criticized Palin’s actions, yet it remains to be seen if the fine will be enforced.

Pods: What Are They and Are They Right for Me and My Family?

August 25, 2020
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We first started hearing the term “pod” a couple weeks after lockdown began. Initially, it was something to describe a collection of immediate family or friends with whom we could safely interact. At the same time, people started using the term to refer to extended child care units. Parents began banding together to pool child care resources when daycare facilities closed, schools shut down, and the domestic care industry was no longer an option.

The New Parenting

August 24, 2020
Paid Family Leave
Pregnancy Discrimination
This week, we’re going to spotlight one of the hot button issues at the intersection of employment and pandemic: how parents are going to cope in a fall without schools.

This Week’s FFCRA Complaints: The Wrongful Terminations Continue 

August 21, 2020
Disability Discrimination
Since we started this weekly blog post in May, we've read and summarized over 50 complaints filed under the new leave law. As we’ve pointed out, many of these complaints follow almost a template, with workers being terminated for either taking legally-allowed precautions to protect fellow workers from potential infection or for having legitimate reasons to take leave, often to care for a family member or child.

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