January 28, 2022
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Sarah Palin dined indoors while unvaccinated— but what will the City do to the restaurant?


That Sarah Palin dined at an Upper East Side restaurant while not only unvaccinated, but in fact infected with COVID-19, is par for the course for the former governor who said, “It’ll be over my dead body that I’ll have to get a shot.” The focus has been centered on her bizarre and abhorrent choice to expose those around her to the disease, but it bears examining the potential steps the City might take against the restaurant’s owners, who allowed her to dine inside.

As the New York Times and other outlets have reported, a manager at Elio’s stated that that the restaurant had “just made a mistake” by allowing an unvaccinated person to dine indoors. While Palin seems to have walked away from the debacle suffering no more than punchlines, what might that mistake cost the restaurant?

To dine inside in New York City, one must show proof of vaccination, and failure to comply with this mandate can result in a $1,000 fine. A spokesperson for City Hall criticized Palin’s actions, yet it remains to be seen if the fine will be enforced.

New York Times Publishes Explainer on Child Tax Credit

July 27, 2021
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The revamped Child Tax Credit went into effect this month, with much-needed money being distributed to parents across the country. While this will be a boon for many parents, it also has the potential to create headaches for parents come tax season. Thankfully, the New York Times published helpful suggestions on who should take the credit and who should opt out.

Disability Discrimination Is Hurting the Medical Profession

July 26, 2021
Disability Discrimination
A new investigation on the Huffington Post has spotlighted a troubling trend in medicine. Many doctors with disabilities experience persistent discrimination at the hands of other physicians and medical professionals. In a profession that regularly requires workers, especially early career workers, to put in grueling shifts of 80+ hours a week, doctors with disabilities are perceived as unable to live up to the grind.

Highlights on New York State’s Legalization of Recreational Marijuana

July 19, 2021
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Now that New York State has legalized the recreational use of marijuana, there are some changes to the law as it relates to employment, for example, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of legal marijuana use outside of the workplace.

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