August 23, 2021
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Is US Lack of Childcare a Threat to National Security?


In a recent op-ed in The Hill, several retired US generals make the novel argument that the nation’s lack of strong, universal childcare is not only a persistent problem for working parents, but represents a national security threat and that lawmakers must continue to address this as part of the legislative wrangling set to go into overdrive as Congress returns from summer vacation

Starting from their experience with how the military provides childcare assistance to personnel, they argue that expanded access to civilian childcare is essential to safeguard the economic well-being of the nation. Citing a recent study by ReadyNation, a business group, they argue that the cost to the nation in lost wages and productivity due to inadequate childcare are rising to crisis proportions.

As we’ve noted over the last 20 months, the lack of childcare access has only been exacerbated by the global pandemic as remote workers do double duty and those who can’t work from home make tough decisions about whether to prioritize their families’ medical safety or paying rent and feeding children. The result has been hundreds of thousands of parents, in the US and millions more globally, mostly women, leaving the workforce, and the generals fear this will have knock-on effects as children grow up.

The Week in FFCRA Complaints

July 1, 2020
Pregnancy Discrimination
Paid Family Leave
Overall, we are beginning to see some patterns in the thematic nature of the complaints. Specifically, plaintiffs seem to be those whose employment has been terminated either after expressing concerns about workplace health and safety (e.g. improper distancing, lack of PPE, and not enforcing CDC-recommended quarantine procedures) and parents whose employment has been terminated because they were unable to locate appropriate childcare or family care.

Returning to Work After Protesting: Employee Rights and Employer Responsibilities

June 29, 2020
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Some employers may be concerned about the risk posed by the return of employees who have participated in protests to newly reopened workplaces. Similarly, employees may want to know whether their increased risk of exposure could affect their job security, and what their rights are in this situation.

What Employees Should Know About Their Rights to Protest, in Person or on Social Media

June 29, 2020
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Employees may find themselves retaliated against because of their protesting outside of the workplace, in person or online. But, as the protests continue, and the depth of feeling about their purpose grows, there will be increasing interest in using all available legal tools to allow employees to express their political views off-site while remaining employed.

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