December 17, 2021
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NYC Releases Guidance on Vaccine Mandate for Private Sector

On December 27, 2021, all workers who either work in-person or who have significant daily contact with the public will need to show proof of vaccination, as required by Mayor De Blasio’s  emergency executive Order 317. Workers must have at least one shot of an FDA approved vaccine, and if not fully vaccinated, must show proof of a second shot within 45 days.

Order 317 will be effective for all workplaces with at least one employee. The order defines a “workplace” as a place of business where one or more employees work and interact with the public. According to the order, an employee, or “worker” is anyone full- or part-time. This includes volunteers, contractors, and interns. The order extends to co-working arrangements and the space is required to maintain records of all who use the coworking facilities. Businesses with workers who do not comply with the mandate are not required to terminate employment but must bar workers from entering the premises.

Limited medical and religious exemptions are recognized under the mayor’s emergency order, but those exemptions require application which must be submitted no later than the start date of the order. 

Under the order, private businesses are required to maintain careful records demonstrating workers’ proof of vaccination and are allowed to check a person’s vaccination status before they enter the workplace. Businesses that lapse in their compliance are subject to an initial $1,000 fine and penalties that escalate from there. 

Returning to Work After Protesting: Employee Rights and Employer Responsibilities

June 29, 2020
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Some employers may be concerned about the risk posed by the return of employees who have participated in protests to newly reopened workplaces. Similarly, employees may want to know whether their increased risk of exposure could affect their job security, and what their rights are in this situation.

What Employees Should Know About Their Rights to Protest, in Person or on Social Media

June 29, 2020
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Employees may find themselves retaliated against because of their protesting outside of the workplace, in person or online. But, as the protests continue, and the depth of feeling about their purpose grows, there will be increasing interest in using all available legal tools to allow employees to express their political views off-site while remaining employed.

Berke-Weiss Law Weekly Roundup

June 26, 2020
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This week we’re looking at how women’s job losses are bad for the hops of a wider economic recovery, New York’s plans for phase three of reopening, and the trend to home birth trends, which we will also be discussing at greater length in a multi-post blog about coronavirus’s effects on pregnancy, abortion, and childbirth, specifically for low-income black women and women of color.

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