October 7, 2021
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Female Physicians Experience High Infertility Rates


The medical profession’s apprenticeship is notoriously grueling. The MCAT, years of costly schooling, residencies where it’s not uncommon to work 80 hours a week all await those considering a doctor’s career. It would strain the physical and mental limits of most anyone. But for women, there has been an additional consequence attributed to the routine: infertility.

This was spelled out in a recent New York Times article, where it was reported that female physicians have infertility rates twice the national average. Similar numbers were reported for surgeons. For doctors-in-training, massive loan debt pushes financial independence further down the road, often to the point at which it affects their ability to bear children. Many also reported a variety of pregnancy-related complications, such as early labor and miscarriage, which can be linked to the long hours, poor diet and stress of medical training.

Additionally, for those who do choose to have children during residency or early in their careers, there are myriad other issues, including being passed over for fellowships and opportunities or having to choose between career and family.

With more light being shed on this issue, as well as a steady increase in the number of women entering the medical profession, this is an issue that will only increase and it highlights important issues at the forefront of employment law and pregnancy. Reducing student loan burdens and expanding early childcare coverage, for instance, will help ensure that women don’t have to choose between career and family.

The First Recession for Women

August 11, 2020
Gender Discrimination
There is a new feature to the pandemic-induced recession that has decimated employment, manufacturing, child care, education, and just about every other facet of life. It is women, not men who are the most greatly affected by the force of the shutdown.

The Berke-Weiss Law Weekly Roundup: Black Pregnancy in New York City and School Reopening Reversals

August 10, 2020
Race Discrimination
Pregnancy Discrimination
We’re now a week into the expiration of the enhanced unemployment benefits of the CARES Act and the news is not good. Congress and the White House remain at least a trillion of dollars apart on a new deal, with the Senate GOP split, though their prized bit of the CARES Act, the corporate bailout, did not have an expiration date, unlike those parts aimed at protecting workers, such as the PUA and eviction moratoriums. Thus, with depressing predictability, there were a spate of alarming stories this week echoing the fears that tenant unions and activists have been voicing for months: by ending employment relief we are hurtling toward a cliff, over which lies massive, nationwide evictions.

The Week in FFCRA Complaints: Yet More Wrongful Terminations and Retaliation

August 10, 2020
Disability Discrimination
As we noted last week, employers seem not to have gotten the message on paid leave under FFCRA and the two notable cases that came up this week both involve employer retaliation and wrongful termination against employees who were protected under FFCRA.

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