August 20, 2020

In an Uncommon Move, McDonald’s Sues Former CEO

It’s not every day that a blue chip company decides to sue a former executive, let alone its erstwhile CEO, but this is exactly what McDonald’s did by suing Steve Easterbrook, who had been fired last year for inappropriate conduct, specifically, sexting with an employee. Easterbrook, who received his severance payment after being cleared by an internal investigation of any additional wrongdoing, was accused by another employee last month of carrying on a sexual relationship with them during Easterbrook’s tenure at McDonald’s. 

Under other circumstances, this might not have resulted in a lawsuit from McDonald’s, but the company alleges in the suit that Easterbrook concealed evidence of this relationship during the company’s original investigation last year. He is also accused of lying and compensating at least one person with whom he had a relationship with company stock, which McDonald’s wants back. 

After the initial investigation, McDonald’s decided, as is common among large companies, to fire Easterbrook with as little fanfare as possible. This included providing Easterbrook with his severance and stock options. However, a clause in his contract stipulated that if McDonald’s later determined that Easterbrook should have been fired “with cause” then it would be open season on these payments. And, with the new revelations this summer, this is exactly what McDonald’s has chosen to do.

While the public way in which this is playing out is uncommon, this series of events is not and we think it is a good example of one of things we often counsel clients on: when you’re being investigated, the cover up may be worse than the crime itself.

Women's Employment Still Reeling from Pandemic’s Effects

January 12, 2021
Gender Discrimination
According to the latest analysis by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the pandemic and lockdowns continue to have an outsize effect on women’s employment in the U.S. with fewer than half (44.6%) of the jobs women lost between February and December returning. Another way of looking at it is that roughly 12 million jobs simply disappeared. Or, as Representative Katie Porter tweeted, “Women. Accounted. For. All. The. Losses.”

Paid Maternity Leave Finds an Unlikely Champion, But Is That Enough?

January 8, 2021
Pregnancy Discrimination
Paid Family Leave
On the heels of some important wins for paid leave in the 2020 election, paid maternity leave has found a new supporter. One who you might not have expected: conservative co-host of The View Megan McCain. The challenge is, as Monica Hesse notes, “how we can speed up this process so that it doesn’t require every leave-denier to personally birth a child before they also get on board.”

Motivational Speaker Tony Robbins Sued over Covid-related Discrimination

December 29, 2020
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A new lawsuit, filed by an employee of the motivational speaker Tony Robbins, alleges that Robins’s company, Robbins Research International, along with Robbins and his wife Bonnie, discriminated against the employee who requested reasonable accommodations be met for her recovery from coronavirus.

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