July 31, 2020

The Week in FFCRA Complaints: Employers Do Not Seem to Understand Mandated Worker Protections

It’s time once again for our weekly dose of FFCRA complaints here at the Berke-Weiss Law blog. It is starting to seem, from our perspective, that either employers have not been made sufficiently aware of the leave entitled to workers under the FFCRA or that they are willing to risk a lawsuit for wrongful termination. The pattern of many of the complaints we’re seeing, and this week is no exception, is an employee notices COVID-19 symptoms, possibly tests positive or at least wants to quarantine to ensure they do not spread it to others, and requests the legally mandated two weeks off plus job protection, yet still gets fired.

  • Complaint, McJunkin v. Lake Keowee Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram, L.L.C., No. 8:20cv2699 (S.D. Ca. July 22, 2020)
  • Plaintiff sued her employer, a car dealership, for retaliation and wrongful termination in violation of FFCRA. Plaintiff became ill from COVID-19 symptoms and was instructed to self-quarantine by her physician. In addition, Plaintiff missed a couple days of work when her child’s daycare closed because of the pandemic. Both of these instances were covered under FFCRA paid leave, but Defendant terminated Plaintiff anyway.
  • Complaint, Voznesensky v. Peninsula Convalescent Assoc., L.L.C., No. 20-CIV-03058 (Cal. Supp. July 22, 2020)
  • Plaintiff, a nurse supervisor, sued her employer, a nursing center, for discrimination, retaliation, and denial of sick leave under FFCRA. Plaintiff tested positive for COVID-19 and alleges she was discriminated against and then terminated because of her illness or perceived disability. Before being diagnosed with COVID-19, Plaintiff repeatedly asked to wear a mask while working but her employer denied her requests. Plaintiff also alleges she was terminated because she complained about her employer about unsafe working conditions. In violation of FFCRA, Plaintiff was also denied paid leave by her employer and believes Defendant acted maliciously against her. 
  • Complaint, Staples-Reynolds v. Gills Gibson, Inc., No. 3:20cv1287 (M.D. Pa. July 28, 2020)
  • Plaintiff, a cook, sued his employer, a restaurant, for retaliation and denial of protected leave under FFCRA. Plaintiff tested positive after contracting COVID-19 from his roommate and was advised by his healthcare provider to self-quarantine for two weeks. He immediately notified his manager who responded by threatening to fire him if he took time off. When Plaintiff left work to self-quarantine, his manager terminated his employment.

Also filed: Complaint, Doler v. Capstone Logistics, L.L.C., No. 3:20cv218 (N.D. Miss. July 28, 2020)

Listen: The Fall of Andrew Cuomo

September 20, 2021
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As an employment law firm, one of our main goals is to champion change for our clients and others who experience sexual harassment in the workplace. The importance of this endeavor reached new heights when it came to light that the former governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, had been sexually harassing women in his office (and outside) for years. Learn more from Senior Associate Alex Berke on the Delve’s Podcast.

Alex Berke on LinkedIn Live: Running the Return-to-Work Marathon

September 20, 2021
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Ivy Slater, a business coach, speaker, and author, was joined by Senior Associate Alex Berke and Dr. Melba Nicholson Sullivan in a LinkedIn Live session of her “Slater Success Live” about running the return-to-work marathon.

As More Jurisdictions Make Vaccination Mandatory, Federal Government Plays Catch-up

September 17, 2021
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Across the nation school districts, cities, and private employers have spent the summer making vaccination mandatory for people to take part in all aspects of life, including going to the gym, returning to work, or attending a concert. Now, with the full FDA approval of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, the federal government has weighed in.

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