May 27, 2020
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COVID-19 Webinar: A Path to Reopening

Watch Associate Alex Berke’s Q&A session delivered at the Tory Burch Foundation on May 27, 2020. Alex and Lenore Horton provided guidance for small businesses on reopening safely and communicating effectively with employees.

Special Issue of Harvard Law & Policy Review Focuses on Pregnancy

December 7, 2020
Pregnancy Discrimination
The Harvard Law & Policy review has recently devoted an issue to the special theme of “The Politics of Pregnancy.” It contains numerous responses to and discussions of myriad political issues of pregnancy in the U.S. and abroad, including increased emphasis on maternal health, abortion access, surrogacy, and state intervention into matters of women’s health, including the effects of incarceration on mothers.

Can Employers Require Workers to Get Vaccines?

December 3, 2020
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Now that a vaccine, or more accurately, many vaccines, seems inevitable, an important new question has emerged: Can employers require workers to vaccinate?

Changes to New York Employment Laws to Have Lasting Impact, Says Law360

December 3, 2020
This week Law 360 published a helpful guide to how the pandemic has changed employment law in New York and what kinds of impacts those changes will have into 2021 and beyond.

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