May 20, 2020
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Americans Still Uncomfortable Returning to Work or Being in Crowds

Along with the rest of the world, we’re continuing to watch the reopening efforts unfolding. In countries like France and Iran, which have reopened in recent weeks, there have been setbacks as new outbreaks pop up; something that epidemiologists and public health experts expected.

Here in the U.S., reopening has been left largely up to choices on a state-by-state or even county-by-county basis, often with states reopening while not yet meeting CDC guidelines regarding insufficient testing regimes or too many daily cases to make contact tracing logistically feasible.

One of the major hurdles to reopening, as we have noted in previous blog posts, is ensuring that employers have taken appropriate safeguards to protect their workers. As we learn more about the virus, one thing that is increasingly clear is that many of the major outbreaks are occurring at the workplace, with significant hotspots at prisons, call centers, meat processing facilities, and warehouses where many people are crammed together in poorly ventilated areas. At the end of April, 66% of workers were not comfortable returning to the workplace.

At this point, without firm guidelines, and a Senate majority leader blocking any progress on a new round of stimulus unless employers are exempted from liability regarding workplace safety, there is still too much uncertainty regarding employees safety at work. On top of that, some states are trying to force workers off unemployment rolls by making them ineligible for benefits if they are invited back to work by the employers, regardless of whether the employers have taken COVID-specific health and safety precautions.

Ultimately in the U.S., it will be up to individuals to make these determinations. In April, the Associated Press reported that 94% of Americans were avoiding large crowds, and according to former Obama-era official Andy Slavitt, that number has barely budged, with 70% saying it will take months for them to feel comfortable in crowds of 10 or more.

Women's Employment Still Reeling from Pandemic’s Effects

January 12, 2021
Gender Discrimination
According to the latest analysis by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the pandemic and lockdowns continue to have an outsize effect on women’s employment in the U.S. with fewer than half (44.6%) of the jobs women lost between February and December returning. Another way of looking at it is that roughly 12 million jobs simply disappeared. Or, as Representative Katie Porter tweeted, “Women. Accounted. For. All. The. Losses.”

Paid Maternity Leave Finds an Unlikely Champion, But Is That Enough?

January 8, 2021
Pregnancy Discrimination
Paid Family Leave
On the heels of some important wins for paid leave in the 2020 election, paid maternity leave has found a new supporter. One who you might not have expected: conservative co-host of The View Megan McCain. The challenge is, as Monica Hesse notes, “how we can speed up this process so that it doesn’t require every leave-denier to personally birth a child before they also get on board.”

Doctor’s Video Underscores How Structural Racism Permeates the Medical Profession

December 29, 2020
Race Discrimination
One of the most devastating forms in which structural race discrimination appears is in the worlds of medicine and health care where people of color, especially Black people are provided with inferior forms of care, which are often deadly.

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