COVID-19: Know Your Rights Training for Law Students
Watch this recorded presentation delivered by Associate Alex Berke to the Fordham Workers’ Rights Advocates on April 16, 2020. Alex discussed frequently asked legal questions about COVID-19 and workers’ rights, aimed at current law students.
A large coalition of union-represented workers in health care and education are pressing the Ninth Circuit Court to require the Department of Labor to direct its Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to put a rule into effect which has been batted about since the scare of H1N1 in 2009.
In the era when many office jobs and classrooms have transitioned to video conferencing software and the home/work boundary continues to blur, discomfort around breastfeeding has become a source of major contention. Case in point is a recent story that caught our attention involving a student at Fresno City College, who was publicly called out by her professor for simply asking if she could turn her video off during a lecture to feed her 10-month old.