COVID-19: Know Your Rights Training for Law Students
Watch this recorded presentation delivered by Associate Alex Berke to the Fordham Workers’ Rights Advocates on April 16, 2020. Alex discussed frequently asked legal questions about COVID-19 and workers’ rights, aimed at current law students.
A little more than a week after Senate Bill 8 (SB 8) went into effect in the state of Texas, most of us still have anxious questions about the unconstitutional law, not least of which is, what can be done about this?
The federal government has made moves to expand disability coverage to include long Covid sufferers. President Biden made the announcement in July as part of the country’s celebration of the 31st anniversary of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Senior Associate Alex Berke's latest piece for the Daily Beast teases out some of the implications and details of this Texas law and how it doesn't bode well for abortion rights in the future.