March 9, 2020
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COVID-19 and Work

Employers and employees have questions about what steps they should be taking to help protect against COVID-19, the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus. We have compiled some useful resources to help you understand what actions to take at this time when there is so much uncertainty surrounding this situation.

Coronavirus - Workplace Considerations for Employers

We want to share this useful summary Fox Rothschild LLP put together to answer common questions from employers, including, "can we tell other employees about an employee who has or may have the coronavirus?" and "can we ask employees to stay home if we suspect they may have the coronavirus or have been exposed to the coronavirus?”

CDC - Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers

This government issued resource includes tips for employers on how to keep the workplace Coronavirus free, and how to create a plan if there is an outbreak in the US.

Getting your workplace ready for COVID-19

The World Health Organization put together information about dealing with the current outbreak including: ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in your workplace; how to manage risks when organizing meetings & events; travel considerations; and, getting your workplace ready in case COVID-19 arrives in your community. WHO also frequently updates this resource- Q&A on Coronaviruses.

Your local health department also can provide guidance for dealing with the uncertainty created by this outbreak. Please feel free to contact us if we can help with any questions regarding how to address COVID-19 in your workplace.


Berke-Weiss Law Writes About Free Speech in the Workplace for Law360

July 15, 2020
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Berke-Weiss Law answers some questions on many New Yorkers’ minds right now in Law360: can I be fired for protesting or posting about politics on social media? Am I entitled to take time off to protest? Can my employer force me to take a Covid-19 test after protesting but before returning to my workplace?

New Study Finds Sexual Harassment Pervasive in the Legal Professions

July 15, 2020
Sexual Harassment
Taking a break from the wall-to-wall imperative that is coronavirus, we wanted to highlight a new study about workplace cultures in the legal practice. Conducted by the Women Lawyers on Guard, the study Still Broken: Sexual Harassment and Misconduct in the Legal Profession shows that sexual harassment plagues women at all levels of the legal profession, from early-career lawyers to judges, and everyone in between.

The Berke-Weiss Law Weekly Roundup

July 10, 2020
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Welcome to the Weekly Roundup for the week of July 6. If you’ve gone anywhere near the news this week, you’ll know that the South and West are spiking and states from Florida to California are reversing course and even considering new lockdowns.

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Knowing where to turn in legal matters can make a big difference. Contact our employment lawyers to determine if we can help you.