How Will New NYS and Federal Paid Sick and Family Leave Laws Interact?
With expanded Federal paid sick and family leave laws going into effect on Wednesday, April 1st, learn about what both the Federal and New York State laws offer to employees and require for employers.
The report suggests that Amazon consultants have identified reasonable accommodations that would allow workers with disabilities to continue performing their functions without undue burden. However, despite this knowledge, company officials continue to pursue a policy of forced unpaid leave rather than internally-identified accommodations.
The results of the survey, which polled 1,000 workers, showed that an overwhelming majority (69%) of women looking for work could be swayed to work for a company that offered childcare benefits.
Although more women were laid off at the beginning of the pandemic, and many more who were parents saw a significant uptick in their non-work commitments, two new analyses indicate that, despite concerns to the contrary, most women have remained at work and, for some cohorts, have become more likely to work.