November 23, 2020
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Women Leaders Weigh in on the Pandemic and Beyond

As part of the Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society, New York Times reporters and editors sought the perspectives of some of the leading executives in the business and finance world about the role women have and can continue to play in the post-pandemic work world. They also discussed issues with leading public health experts, athletes, and politicians about the unique challenges women face in the current moment.

As we have noted in various blog posts, one thing that was on many of these women’s minds was the fact that women are leaving the workforce or planning to leave at alarming rates. Another one was education, which will affect the next generation of women. With children in lockdown and many programs focused on equity put on hold, there is cause for concern from many of these leaders. A third that desperately requires attention is the increased risk of intimate partner violence, which has affected women worldwide.

Both sets of interviews provide important insights as to how world leaders are thinking about developing equitable strategies for the post-Covid world.

Profile of Silvia Federici Highlights What She’s Been Saying for Decades, Capitalism Exploits Women. The Pandemic Just Made it Impossible to Ignore.

March 2, 2021
Gender Discrimination
As the pandemic has thrown millions into unemployment, has affected women disproportionately, and laid bare just how much working people rely on myriad forms domestic care, others are, as this wide-ranging profile in the New York Times magazine suggests, rediscovering the socialist feminism of Federici and her contemporaries, such as Selma James, Angela Davis, and the Combahee River Collective.

Fed Chair Makes a Case for Affordable Childcare

February 25, 2021
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In a two-day testimony before the House Financial Services Committee, Fed Chair Jerome Powell let it be known that improved federal child care programs would have a positive impact on women remaining in the workforce.

As Vaccine Rollout Continues, So Do Legal Questions about Requiring Worker Vaccination

February 24, 2021
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As the vaccine rollout is speeding up, questions about employers’ legal rights to require the vaccine are becoming more frequent.

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