December 19, 2016
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N.D.A.'s- Should You Sign?

Non-disclosure agreements, or N.D.A.’s, are intended to protect proprietary information, including ideas and technology, from being stolen by employees, prospective employees, consultants, prospective investors, etc.  But if a server in a yogurt shop is asked to sign an N.D.A., has the trend gone too far?  (No, she did not sign, and still is working.)  A New York Times article notes that while some companies pitching ideas to investors continue to ask for N.D.A.’s, investors most often refuse to sign them.  Entrepreneurs nevertheless continue to pitch their ideas since, as the article suggests, the risk of delaying the funding process by obtaining legal assistance is more significant than the risk of being copied.  Also, from a practical perspective, enforcement of an N.D.A. is difficult since it can be costly for a small start up to litigate, and often boils down to a “he said/she said” scenario.  Noting a decline in N.D.A.s from a decade ago, the article offers some helpful guidelines.  Ultimately however, companies requesting N.D.A.’s, or those being asked to sign them, might find that consulting a lawyer with knowledge of non-disclosure agreements is the best practice, and can help evaluate whether an N.D.A. is appropriate in a specific case.

Employers Must Investigate and Report Work-Related Covid-19 Cases to OSHA

June 3, 2020
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Under new Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) guidance, moving forward employers must now investigate how any Covid-19 positive employees may have contracted the virus. If the cause of the infection was likely work-related, the employer must record it as an “occupational illness.”

Antiracism Resources

June 2, 2020
Race Discrimination
Our Firm is saddened and angered by the killings of and violence against Black people by government authorities, as well as efforts to limit peaceful protest. In our legal practice, we fight against race discrimination in the workplace using the law, but these tragic events invite the law to do better now than in the past to provide justice and healing to those affected personally, and to our society as a whole.

The Berke-Weiss Law Weekly Round-Up

May 29, 2020
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It’s important that we acknowledge that coronavirus has accentuated already deep and persistent issues in employment law in general, and our particular interests, such as pregnancy and parental leave. However, the crisis has only exacerbated them and we hope to call attention to them not simply so we can think about them, but so we can work together to develop tools and other means to make a post-coronavirus world one where workers’ concerns are heard.

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Knowing where to turn in legal matters can make a big difference. Contact our employment lawyers to determine if we can help you.