December 19, 2016
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N.D.A.'s- Should You Sign?

Non-disclosure agreements, or N.D.A.’s, are intended to protect proprietary information, including ideas and technology, from being stolen by employees, prospective employees, consultants, prospective investors, etc.  But if a server in a yogurt shop is asked to sign an N.D.A., has the trend gone too far?  (No, she did not sign, and still is working.)  A New York Times article notes that while some companies pitching ideas to investors continue to ask for N.D.A.’s, investors most often refuse to sign them.  Entrepreneurs nevertheless continue to pitch their ideas since, as the article suggests, the risk of delaying the funding process by obtaining legal assistance is more significant than the risk of being copied.  Also, from a practical perspective, enforcement of an N.D.A. is difficult since it can be costly for a small start up to litigate, and often boils down to a “he said/she said” scenario.  Noting a decline in N.D.A.s from a decade ago, the article offers some helpful guidelines.  Ultimately however, companies requesting N.D.A.’s, or those being asked to sign them, might find that consulting a lawyer with knowledge of non-disclosure agreements is the best practice, and can help evaluate whether an N.D.A. is appropriate in a specific case.

Pandemic Continues to Affect Women, Even the Really Successful Ones

November 10, 2020
Gender Discrimination
This reduction in childcare due to COVID is affecting mothers of all income brackets, and as NPR reports, the most successful women, even, are feeling the effects. Mothers remain the parent more likely to shore the care gap created by school closures and are more likely to step back from their careers to do so.

Court Rejects Amazon Warehouse Workers’ Safety Complaints

November 5, 2020
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A Federal judge in New York has rejected a lawsuit from Amazon employees, ruling that OSHA, not courts, should determine what constitutes workplace safety and safe practices.

New Lawsuit against Uber Alleges Civil Rights Violations

November 3, 2020
Race Discrimination
Uber is no stranger to accusations of labor and consumer rights violations, including charges of monopoly behavior, racial bias in poor neighborhoods, wage violations and preventing workers from accessing social welfare during the pandemic. Now, adding to this list, is a new lawsuit filed by former driver Thomas Liu alleging Uber violated non-white drivers’ civil rights protected by Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

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